Thought penned down by me


I have penned down the following thought.  

1)   Writing is a reflection of your thought. It reflects in your words, nature and communication. So learn to communicate well with others. It impresses everyone around you. That is the success of your career.

2)   Your happiness is yours, created by you for you. So don’t waste it, multiply it by sharing with others. Interestingly, it flows out because of clear thought. And it comes out of your daily writing.

3)   Great spiritual leader Gautama Buddha once said. “ What you think, you become.” It is true statement. But clear thinking origins out of daily writing, then makes your life as good as possible. So start working on it to make your life as bright as the sky.

4)   Writing every day makes your thought strong and clear. Consequently, it takes you out whenever you are stuck in life or career. It encourages you all the time. In the end, it reminds you that you have inner power to turn the problems into opportunity. It becomes catalyst in your life. That is the real work of your writing.

5)   In life, we come across such observation, “In the beginning, we are heroes, later on, zero.” So once start with anything, adhere to it until getting some positive outcome. Show your continuity and consistency in your work.

6)   Accept everything in life, but Be ready for adversities. Challenge yourself for this thrown adversities. It is called the ABC of life.

7)   In sake of mending life and relation, appreciation is the best medicine for all.

8)    Maintaining a habit of ASK leads you to explore a lot in life. It is an art and means, A- Actively, S- Seeking, K-Knowledge. So keep it forever, and get a lot of experience and progress.

9)   As soon as you start writing every day, realise how your mind plays a game with you. And you automatically take responsibility for your thought and decision. That is turning point for you. Then, it transforms your whole life. That is benefit of writing every day.

10)                  As you know yourself, so peace of mind, dedication, concentration, maturity, non-reaction, pleasure and commitment come in you. It happens because of daily writing. The more you know yourself, the more you will realise the core of life.

11)                  A successful career doesn’t take place on what degree or certificate you have, but happens what you persistently and rigorously think, write and apply it every day.

12)                  Education doesn’t mean only reading and writing. It means to get an experience of life having full of happiness and grateful towards one another.

13)                  The more you write every day, the more you get realization, what you think of others and treat too, that will get back to you. You automatically transform yourself within. And try to become good human beings towards others, the society and nation. That is the core of your writing skill.

14)                  Life is about authenticity and integrity. So express and live it as candid as possible. Because it is said, “life is a gift of invincible and doesn’t afford to be wasted and spoiled.

15)                  Always find task wherever you work. Maybe it doesn’t belong to you but changes you internally. Surprisingly, it makes you not only happy but also mentally engaged and stable. It reduces your tiredness and haggardness. Further, it brings productivity to you. That’s why you can take ownership and always go ahead with a small task.   

16)                  It’s miracle for you when you realise that you are breathing at the moment. Very soon, you will value it more than anything else.

17)                  People spend their entire life on, ‘I am right, and you are wrong.’ In the end, both statements torture them.

18)                  You can meet lots of friends in you if you look at yourself through others’ perception.

19)                  To life or other what we react, it becomes our identity. So be careful and thoughtful about it. Otherwise, it either spoils or forms career. Ultimately, our success and career depend upon reaction.

20)                  Silent beings become soon violent as they store everything within and piling up. Hence don’t be quiet, but express it authentically. That is a way of emptying the mind. Its result is to make mentally relaxed and burden less. That’s why keep communicating and writing.

21)                  Ultimately, success depend upon your speaking skill, and your well speaking comes out of writing daily.

22)                  You are blessed with hope, wonder and beliefs when you meet yourself while taking down your thought and feeling in a diary every day.

23)                  Not complain about anything, but explain it. That shows your wisdom to the world.

24)                  Problem is a spice of life. But you will come to know whether it is real or unreal, happens because of your daily writing habit.

25)                  Complain or regret never keep success and happiness around. On the other hand, happiness and success keep ever forbearing and calmness all over.

26)                  Jealously is the most dangerous disease of all. It spoils not only your entire life but also others’. So it is candidly better to share your feeling with those whom you keep envious.

27)                  Writing every day, in fact, enables you to erase the past. Then take your attention to the present and create the possibilities and opportunities of your life in the future.

28)                  Writing every day draws out the hidden potential and talent. That is perhaps ignored, unknown and out of sight. Hence, for the sake of getting them out is necessary to begin the writing every day.

29)                  Fear is such dangerous virus than any other virus in the world. It takes life within a short time. It never understands any language of medicine but understands only self-belief and motivation.

30)                  Appreciate and motivate others despite enmity. Surprisingly, you do it for yourself. So don’t miss it doing and making a part of your daily routine. That makes your personality different.  


By Haridas Patil

(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)



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