A biker fooled the police.


                                                A biker fooled the police.
                             Nowadays a team of the police is keeping a watch over the bikers and the cars at every junction. It started to happen after the motor vehicle act came into existence. So the bike riders and the car drivers obviously try to escape from the police and the fine by applying different ideas. Sometime some ideas work, but not all. One such incident came into light as one of the bikers applied an idea. It really worked in his favour.  It was immensely funny and tricky. The incident took place in city.
                                  That biker had actually no money in his pocket. So he was thinking of escaping the police and the fine. At same time he wanted to reach on his job. That’s why he used his brain in order to escape the fine. That day he decided to apply his idea which he had already thought over it.
                                                   As soon as he came nearby the junction, he stopped his bike and started pushing it. As if it was punctured or without petrol. And easily he took it nearby the policemen where they were doing their duties. Even they didn’t ask him about it. He didn’t look here and there while pushing it. Silently he passed by them. Easily he crossed the junction, after going ahead he began to ride his bike. That way he saved his money and escaped the headache of the police. He was surprised that he was successful in applying the idea. The interesting point was that the police men were fooled.
                              In the evening he shared his successful idea with his friends. All started laughing over his idea. It really worked in his favour.


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