The drama activity of 7 the class.

                                  The drama activity of 7th class.
The drama activity is a suitable to the second language learners. It helps them to hone their speaking and presentation skills. They communicate naturally in that state. They don’t realize that they are actually learning English language naturally. Further it enables them to have confident, clarity of thought, and expression skill.
In that direction, I assigned my 7th class students to prepare the drama on ‘At the book store’ and ‘At the chocolate shop’.  At first they were formed into two groups. The topics for the drama were easy and known to them. So as they didn’t feel difficulty to communicate with one another and preform it. The objectives of the first drama were to promote the reading skills and benefits of it. In the Second drama, the students had to convince others about the reasons of popularity of various chocolates. They tried to show through their drama that especially why the girls preferring the chocolates. Finally they performed it on 16/11/2019, Saturday.
Both groups prepared the dialogues by themselves and some materials for the drama. It covered the entire class and enabled them to feel at home while performing it in the group. Even the weak students enhanced the skills such as speaking, confident, body language and much more. In the end, they became happy and satisfied.
Happy doing!
Happy learning! 


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