


I love and trust you.

You are an integral part of my life,

I don’t think or start my day

Without you.

Love you,

As you are near

And care.

All the time you are

With me and in my heart.

Without heart beating

I can live,

But I can’t spend a single minute without you.

Every day I share my true feeling

With you.

Even you teach a lot,

Guide me on a difficult path.

Further, you offer a valuable thing,

This is an experience I get.

Because of you, I never fear

You timely advise me

What to do or avoid?

Now you become a core

Of my existence.

Sometimes I feel you in

Not only my breath

But also heart and thought.

One thing I never notice,

That you all the time stand by me.

Really and truly you are mine,

And I am yours.

No valentine or any other day

separate us from each other.

Consequently, we become one

In totality!

Dear, what I call you lovingly and dearly?

Friends say,

Wife or beloved.

Ohh! Sorry, it is not that.

It's dear and loving………….!

Life and only my life,

She is mine and I am hers!

 By Haridas Patil 







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