English Proficiency Test for Higher classes.



                         Sub. – English Proficiency test for 9 to 12

Date: 26/02/2021                                                                                                       

Day: Friday                                                                                    Name:            _______________              

PART – A                                                    Marks: 30

Instructions:    (1) All objective questions in this part are compulsory.

                        (2) All objective questions carry equal marks.

(3) Before each question in your OMR Sheet, option A O, B O, C O and D O have been 

     given. Choose the right option by making the circle dark.



Q 1) An analogy is a comparison between two things that are alike, opposite or related in some way. Complete the analogies using the vocabulary words listed below.                                       (10 Marks)


   {initiative, support, reliable, organization, success, mutual , dramatics, attitude, gossip }


1. look is to stare as talk is to _______________________________________

2. house is to residence as business is to ______________________________

3. negative is to positive as irresponsible is to __________________________

4. happiness is to joy as independence is to ____________________________

5. counsellor is to advice as sponsor is to ______________________________

6. kindness is to quality as confidence is to _____________________________

7. rude is to polite as unimportant is to _______________________________

8. celebration is to party as tantrum is to ______________________________

9. finish is to start as failure is to _____________________________________

10. rejected is to refused as shared is to ________________________________


Q 2) Read the article below and answer the questions that follow in complete sentences. (12 marks)


                                      Be a Star Employee!

It's up to you to prove to your employer that hiring you was the right move.

Be positive.

Treat everyone with respect. Mutual respect is key to a healthy working environment.

Support your co-workers. Encourage others. Be a team player.

Never gossip, even if others do.

Be a diplomat. Be calm when discussing problems and use tact.

Show initiative. Don't always wait to be told. If you see something that needs to be done, offer!

Be reliable. If you say you'll do something, do it.

Dress for success. Take the lead from your supervisor and co-workers.

Manage your emotions. Out-of-control anger or over-the-top dramatics are not professional and could cost you your job.

Speak well of the organization you work for even when you're away from it. Your positive attitude will show in everything you



  1. How does someone show initiative?
  2. What is key to a healthy work environment, and why?
  3. What are two ways that you can be a team player?
  4. What does it mean to be reliable in the workplace?
  5. Describe how you can be a diplomat in the workplace?
  6. What title do you like to give to this passage? Why?


Q 3) Read the passage below. Then answer questions about errors in the passage. (8 Marks)


1) Well, its another rainy day. I wonder what 2) I will do? First, I think I’ll take a walk around the 3) neyborhood to stretch my legs. 4) Second I’ll cook a big breakfast

5) with toast fruit eggs and bacon. After that, I might mow my 6) lawn; it’s getting pretty long. I’m not sure what I’ll do after that. I guess I should go see my mother. I think she wants me to go grocery shopping with her. I have no idea why she can’t just go by 7) her self. Or, better still, she could ask my dad to go with her! I doubt he will want to go with her though. He 8) doesn’t like going to the grocery store as much as I do!


A. Well, it was

B. Well, it isn’t

C. Well, it’s

D. Correct as is



A. I would do?

B. will I do?

C. I will do.

D. Correct as is



A. neighborhood

B. neiborhood

C. nayberhood

D. nayborhood

E. Correct as is



A. Second will I

B. Second, I’ll

C. Second I’m gonna

D. Correct as is



A. with toast and fruit and eggs and bacon.

B. with toast, fruit, eggs, and bacon.

C. with toast, fruit, eggs and bacon.

D. Both B and C are correct.

E. Correct as is



A. lawn? It’s

B. lawn: it’s

C. lawn! It’s

D. Correct as is



A. themselves

B. itself

C. herself

D. Correct as is



A. dislikes

B. enjoys

C. likes

D. Correct as is


Prepared by

Haridas Patil (6353973624)

Blogger, Educator and Trainer

            ---------------------------- Better English     Better Career ------------------------------------


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