English grammar test level-I: 2020-21


                                                                                                                                                     Eng.: 000

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English Grammar Test level-I: 2020-21

Std.6 t0 12th

Sub. – English level 1(004)

Date: 14/02/2021                                                                                                       

Day: ……………                                                                                                       Name: _______________              

                                                                    PART – A                                                      Marks: 50

Instructions:    (1) All objective questions in this part are compulsory.

                        (2) All objective questions carry equal marks.

(3) Before each question in your OMR Sheet, option A O, B O, C O and D O have been 

     given. Choose the right option by making the circle dark.


*          This part contains 50 multiple choice questions, carrying one mark each:                        

1.         He exercises regularly …………… remain healthy.

(A) so that                   (B) too                        (C) to                                      (D) that


2.         ………. You open this bag, please?

(A) ought                    (B)can                         (C) may                                   (D) do


3.         this tool…………….break the lock.

            (A) can                        (B) was                       (C) is                                      (D)has


4.         you are free this evening. You ………to go out and enjoy youself.

(A) May                      (B) Might                    (C) oughto                              (D) can


5.         Give the verb form of ‘gathering’

            (A) gather                   (B) gatherness            (C) gatheringly                       (D) gatheringliness  


6.         children ………..obey parents.

(A) should                   (B) can                                    (C) may                                (D) have to


7.         my cousin ……………. Dance  in the annual function.

(A) is going                (B) is going to            (C) is go                                  (D) goes


8.         Despite its prevalence, we pay little attention to this affliction. (Use a Question Tag)

(A) can’t we?              (B) don’t we?              (C) won’t we?                         (D) do we?


9.         He is saving 1000 rupees. He ……………10,000 in ten months.

(A) will have saved    (B) will be save          (C)will be saved                     (D) will save


10.       if I were very rich ,I ……….give money to charity.

(A) would                   (B) can                        (C) may                                   (D) will


11.       it was your duty to keep me informed. You ………..sent me emails regularly.

            (A) should have          (B) shouldn’t have      (C)couldn’t have                    (D) should



12.       “What is their puporse?,” she asked ( change the direct speech)

(A) she inqiured what was their pupose.        (B) she inquired what their purpose was

(C) she inquired what their purpose is           (D) she inquired whether their purpose was   


13.       I can’t help …..………… at good jokes.

(A) to laugh                (B) laughing               (C) laughed                             (D) laugh  


14.       Your exams are very close. You ………..to study hard.

(A) Had better            (B) has better              (C) have better                                 (D) will  have better


15.       What does ‘roam’ mean?

            (A) Fancies                 (B) faces                     (C) stroll                                 (D) eat


16.       Your T.V. often does not switch on. Why don’t you ……..?

(A) get it repaired       (B) get repaired          (C) have repaired                    (D) all the above


17.       The teacher ……….. remind you of your test dates.

(A) can’t                     (B) needn’t                 (C) mustn’t                             (D) shouldn’t


18.       As a child she …………….. cry a lot

(A) Can                       (B) Used to                 (C) was                                   (D) will


19.       He had an accident. He was not wearing his helmet. He ………………his helmet.

(A) Could have worn (B) should have worn  (C) can have worn                 (D) may have worn


20.       What is the meaning of the word ‘Vanity ’?

(A) Show off               (B) take off                 (C) inclined                            (D) obliquely  


21.       Your train leaves at 11a.m. it’s only 8 a.m. now. You ………. Come so early to the station. 

(A) Needn’t have         (B) could have           (C) can                                                (D) must


22.       Akshay got 99 marks in Maths. He …………….. hard.

(A)  Must have studied (B) could have studied (C) should have studied     (D) all above


23.       Who looks……… your baby when you go to work?

         (A) For                        (B) after                      (C) with                                  (D) at  


24.       Rina weighs 60 kilograms. Meena weighs 50 kilograms. Rina is ….…… than Meena.

(A)  Fat                       (B) fatter                     (C) fattest                               (D) none of them


25.       I was so nervous that I couldn’t feel my heart. (Remove ‘so…that’)

(A) I was too nervous to feel my heart.         (B) I was nervous too not to feel my heart.

(C) I was nervous. I can feel my heart.          (D) I was too nervous not to feel my heart.


26.       Kusum’s height is 5’6”. Kishor’s height is 5’3”. Kishor is ………………… than Kusum.

(A) Short                     (B) shorter                  (C) shortest                             (D) more short

27.       Everybody agreed ………. them.

(A)  to                         (B) with                      (C) in                                      (D) for


28.       The boy is ……………….. face any punishment.

           (A) Prepared to           (B) prepare                 (C) prepared                           (D) preparing


29.       If he runs fast , …..… win the race.

(A) He will                 (B) he may                  (C) he would                           (D) he could

30.       Add some milk……… your coffee.

(A) To                                     (B) on                          (C) with                               (D) in


31.       As I reached the office, it………………… cleaned by the office boy.

(A) Was being             (B) has being             (C) is being                             (D) will be


32.       There was a lot of food ……………. I couldn’t eat much.

(A) But                        (B) or                          (C) and                                    (D) as


33.       You must ………………… your bad habit.

(A) be give up             (B) give up                  (C) given up                           (D) giving up

34.       I worked with them………… I was in the U.K.

           (A) Since                    (B) for                         (C) while                                 (D) at


35.       Do your teachers ………. a lot?

(A) Make you write    (B) have you to write (C) make to write                   (D) making you to write

36.       My uncle ………….. visit America.

            (A) Wants to               (B) want to                  (C) wanting to                        (D) wanted


37.       He was charged …………….. murder.

(A) For                        (B) with                      (C) by                                     (D) on

38.       I depend …………. Your advice.

(A) For                        (B) in                         (C) on                                      (D) to


39.       A number of people ……………. In the accident.

(A) Was injured          (B) were injured         (C) injured                             (D) injuring  


40.       She ………………. Pass her exam.

(A) failed to                (B) failing                   (C) fails                                  (D) failed


41.       Little people greet you at the top. (Change the Voice)

(A) You are greeted by little people at the top          (B) you were greeted by little people at the top

(C) You are being greeted by little people at the top            (D) you are greet by the little people at the top


42.       We generally ………………… our shoes before entering a house.

(A) take in                  (B)  take off                (C) take on                              (D) take up

* Read the following passage and answer the questions

Many people who are looking to get a pet dog get a puppy. There are many reasons why people

get puppies. After all, puppies are cute, friendly, and playful. But even though puppies make good pets, there are good reasons why you should consider getting an adult dog instead.

When you get a puppy, you have to teach it how to behave. You have to make sure that the puppy is housebroken so that it does not go to the bathroom inside the house. You have to teach the puppy not to jump up on your guests or chew on your shoes. You have to train the puppy to walk on a leash. This is a lot of work. On the other hand, when you get an adult dog, there is a good chance that it will already know how to do all of the previously mentioned things. Many adult dogs have already been housebroken. Many adult dogs will not jump on or chew things that you do not want them to jump on or chew. Many adult dogs will be able to walk on a leash without pulling you to the other side of the street. Puppies also have a lot of energy and want to play all of the time. This can be fun, but you might not want to play as much as your puppy does. Puppies will not always sleep through the night or let you relax as you watch television.

On the other hand, most adult dogs will wait on you to play. What is more, they will sleep when

You are sleeping and are happy to watch television on the couch right beside you. There is one last reason why you should get an adult dog instead of a puppy. When most people go to the pound to get a dog, they get a puppy. This means that many adult dogs spend a lot of time in the pound, and some never find good homes. So if you are looking to get a dog for a pet, you should think about getting an adult dog. They are good pets who need good homes.


43) The author apparently thinks that puppies are…………………………………………..

A. bad pets because they take too much work to own     B. friendly, playful, and a lot of work

C. not as cute as adult dogs                                              D. not as playful as adult dogs

44) As used in paragraph, which is the best synonym for behave?

A. listen                                  B. understand              C. train                                    D. act

45) The main purpose of paragraph is to explain how puppies………………………………

A. are very immature                                                 B. do not make good pets

C. can be very destructive                                          D. are a lot of work

46) As used in paragraph, which is the best example of a dog that is housebroken?

A. Spot goes outside to use the bathroom.    B. Rex always breaks things inside of the house.

C. Rover never jumps on guests.                               D. Muffin chews on people’s shoes.

47) According to the passage, why are adult dogs easier to take care of than puppies?

I. Puppies need to learn how to walk nicely on a leash.

II. Adult dogs have less energy than puppies do.

III. It is harder for adult dogs to find a home than it is for puppies.

A. l only                                  B.I and II only             C. II and III only         D. I, II, and III

48) Based on information in the passage, which of the following statements is false?

A. Puppies have a lot of energy.                                B. Puppies need a lot of attention.

C. Adult dogs do not like to play.                              D. Adult dogs do not need eat very much.

49) As used in paragraph, which is the best synonym for relax?

A. work                                   B. leave                                   C. play                        D. rest

50) The author begins paragraphs with the phrase, "On the other hand." This phrase is used to…………

A. highlight example                                                  B. contrast previous information

C. contradict a later statement                                               D. support the upcoming paragraph


------------ Best of Luck ------------

Autobiography English Institute, Surat 










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