Sons and daughters of God

 Sons and daughters of God

 Today, my students gladly expressed to me

‘Bye-bye’ at the end of the day,

They were happy to say it.

I saw a sense of it on the face,

Some cycled to home, and others kept walking.

While leaving school campus,

They recited a positive line-

Day by day, every day we are doing better and better

Day by day, every day, we are becoming stronger and stronger.

The same line they repeated it again and again,

It was mesmerized.

Today I felt and

Observed it on their happy face.

Their faces seemed to be a face of God.

Rightly the elders point out,

“The children are sons and daughters of God.”

                                                  By Haridas Patil


  1. I like this thought because the God is our grandparents we are the children of god


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