Situational English for all


      Situational English:

 A)    Student will have to use the following demo at a specific place and time.

 1)     When you meet to friend or a friend meets to you


A-: oh! Hello, how are you?

B-: I am fine.  Thank you.

      What about you?

A-: I am also fine.  Thank you.


A-: oh! Hello, how is your life going on?

B-: It’s fantastic

      What about you?

A-: Same here.  Thank you.

2)     When you introduce your friend to someone.

       A-: oh! Hello! How are you?

       B-: I am fine.  Thank you.

             And what about you?

       A-: I am also fine.  Thank you.

             Meet to my friend

       B-: oh! Hello! Glad to meet you.

       C-: Hello! Same here! Thank you.

 3)     When you ask for a pen or a pencil from your friend or someone.

       A-: Excuse me please!

       B-: Yes, please!

       A-: May I borrow your pen please?

       B-: oh! Sure.  You can have it.

       A-: thank you.

       B-: Welcome.

4)     When you ask for a pen from your friend.  But at that time he may not have it.

       A-: Excuse me please!

       B-: Yes, please!

       A-: May I borrow your pen please?

       B-: Oh! Sorry.  I don’t have.

       A-: Never mind

5)     When you ask for something from a friend or someone.

       A-: Excuse me please!

       B-: Yes please!

      A-: If you don’t mind, would you please pass on the board?

      B-: oh! Sure, why not?

      A-: Thank you

      B-: Most welcome.

6)     When you ask someone or a friend to keep something at other place.

      A-: Excuse me please!

      B-: Yes, please!

      A-: If you don’t mind, would you please keep this board there?

      B-: Oh! Sure, with great pleasure!

      A-: Thank you.

      B-: Welcome.

7)     When a relative or a friend comes at home and you offer something to them.

      A-: Come on let me tell what would you prefer tea, coffee or cold drink?

      B-: No, thanks.  I just had a cup of tea.

      A-: Doesn’t matter have another cup with me!

      B-: Ok, I will prefer only a half cup of tea.

8)     When you ask to your friend or someone about the time.

      A-: Excuse me please!

      B-: Yes, please!

      A-: May I know the right time please?

      B-: Oh! Surely.  It’s 9 o’clock.

      A-: Thank you.

      B-: Welcome.

9)     When you ask to your friend or someone about the time, but he may not have it.

      A-: Excuse me please!

      B-: Yes, please!

      A-: May I know the right time please?

      B-: Oh! Sorry.  I don’t have watch.

      A-: Never mind.

10)   When you ask to your friend or someone about the time, but his watch may not work.

    A-: Excuse me please!

    B-: Yes, please

    A-: May I know the right time please?

    B-: Oh! Sorry.  My watch is not working properly.

    A-: Never mind.

11)   When you go to any place late.

    A-: Excuse me please!

    B-: Yes please

    A-: I am extremely sorry for coming late today.

    B-: Don’t mind.

    A-: So kind of you.

12)   When someone or a friend waits for you at any fixed place.

    A-: Excuse me please!

    B-: Yes please!

    A-: I am really sorry for keeping you wait.

    B-: Never mind.

    A-: So kind of you.

13)   When you don’t go to a friend’s function.

    A-: Excuse me please!

    B-: Yes, please!

    A-: I am really sorry for not attending your party yesterday.

    B-: Don’t mind.

    A-: You are very kind.

14)   When someone speak loudly and you get disturbed.

    A-: excuse me please!

    B-: Yes please!

    A-: I am getting disturbed. If you don’t mind, would you please speak softly?

    B-: Oh! Sorry.

    A-: don’t mind.

15)   When a friend or someone speaks very slowly or in low voice.  You don’t get him.

    A-: Excuse me please!

    B-: Yes, please!

    A-: I am not getting you.  If you don’t mind, would you please speak loudly?

    B-: Oh! Sure.

    A-: Thank you.

16)   When you request to someone for moving a little.

    A-: Excuse me please!

    B-: Yes please!

    A-: If you don’t mind, would you please move slightly?

    B-: Oh! Sure.

    A-: Thank You.

    B-: It’s my pleasure.

17)   When you ask to your friend or someone about his or her health.

    A-: How are you feeling now?

    B-: Oh! Fine. Thank you.

    A-: It’s my pleasure. 

* More Practice for Spoken English:

 II) In a pair or a group of students will have to make demo in English on following topic.

1)     Ask about a day.

2)     Ask about a month.

3)     When someone speaks very fast and you don’t get him.

4)     When you borrow a mobile from a friend.

5)     When you ask someone for knowing the way to station or post office.

6)     When you don’t attend the office meeting


Prepared by 

Haridas Patil


(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)         

      ------- Good English                           Good Career----------










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