The First Assignment for 11 Com and Science

                        The first assignment

1.   Mention the three phases of the author’s relationship with his grandmother before he left the country to study abroad.


2.   Mention three reasons why the author’s grandmother was disturbed when he started going to the city school.

3. Mention three ways in which the author’s grandmother spent her days after he grew up.


4. Mention the odd way in which the author’s grandmother behaved just before she died.

5. Mention the way in which the sparrows expressed their sorrow when the author’s grandmother died.

6. The author’s grandmother was a religious person. What are the different ways in which we come to know this?

7. Describe the changing relationship between the author and his grandmother. Did their feelings for each other change?

8. What difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults and the children when faced with danger?

9. How does the story suggest that optimism helps to endure “the direst stress”?

10. What lessons do we learn from such hazardous experiences when we are face-to-face with death?

11. Why do you think people undertake such adventurous expeditions in spite of the risks involved?

12. Howard Carter’s investigation was resented. Why?

13. Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the king’s remains.

14. Tut’s body was buried along with gilded treasures. Give reasons

15. The boy king changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. Reasons.

16. What does the word ‘cardboard’ denote in the poem? Why has this word been used?

17. What has the camera captured?

18. You will probably agree that this story does not have breathless adventure and exciting action. Then what in your opinion makes it interesting?

19. Did the boys return the horse because they were conscience-stricken or because they were afraid?

20. The story is divided into pre-War and post-War times. What hardships do you think the girl underwent during these times?

21. Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?

22. ‘The Address’ is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment.

23. The school system often curbs individual talents. Discuss.

                                               Best of luck



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