Govardhan kaka is like Govardhan Mountain !

Govardhan Mountain !!!
                                                      A man of energetic, hardworking, good learner ,an ideal and more than example are none ,but he is Govardhan Jivabhai Navadiya. He comes from a small village of Bhavnagar. Though he is from poor family yet not allows an excuse to overcome his determination. He is a B.SC by the educated. He is a teacher in science and handles crucial experiments at science labs.
                                     He has a vast experience of teaching at various institutes. Now he works at V.N.Godhani school.katargam. Presently, he crossed 70 and still teaching as well as working as a young man. He starts his day with a brisk walking for an hour. Then he goes to another school and reports at 10 at V.N.Godhani.  After that he again reaches to another school at 1. It means that he works from morning to evening.
                              By looking at him, I always think of his energy level and his stamina. But he always points out , “ work is a worship.”  He has a mission with vision. That’s why he works like an bee. Even it is seen that he struggled a lot in his life,but he keeps smiling. He is a best example of positivity. He likes moving ahead. He never looks at difficulties ,but take these into opportunities.
                         Nowadays he teaches practical science. He never uses  any book for teaching. He only refers his practical knowledge. He is an ideal teacher for this generation. He insists that he likes to work instead of gossiping. Therefore he neglects an idle chatting. Here I love saluting to Govardhan Kaka! Kaka live long and healthy !


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