Work ethics and code of conduct

Work ethics and code of conduct for me
                        I have prepared the list of work ethics and code of conduct for me so that I can work result oriented. Even this list can be changed from time to time. But I will welcome any suggestions or change from my well wisher.
1)      I should prepare everyday as per time table
2)      I should speak truthful
3)      I should be regular and punctual
4)      I need to be helpful to all
5)      I need to be kind and caring to all
6)      I should observe my surrounding closely and think over it in positive way
7)      I should take care of my duties and words
8)      I should be aware of my subject matter
9)      I need to respect all
10)  I should write everyday in my diary about day to day happening
11)  I should keep my daily planning ready
12)  I should take less leave in order to bring good result in the school
13)  I should speak less while working
14)  I should read each and every word of my lesson  plan and try to follow it properly
15)  I need to accept my mistake in front of others and apologize
16)  I should behave with others as good human being
17)   I need to look for good as well as positive in others
18)  I should appreciate other’s task wholeheartedly
19)  I should devote my free time in planning and writing it
20)  I need to welcome other’s suggestions and advice
21)  I should avoid the bad habits at work place
22)  I need to work with positive mind
23)  I should stop the negative and blaming
24)  I need to enjoy each and every moment of working hour
25)  I should keep myself into other’s shoes while reacting
26)  I should work impartially and equally
27)  I should stop reacting, but be proactive
28)  I need to use language as conscious as possible
29)  I should use creativity and innovative in my class
30)  I need to be sincere toward my duty
31)  I should complete my daily work
32)  I should work in the school as my family
33)  I need to help others
34)  I should not hurt other’s feeling
35)  I should listen to others at first, then speak
36)  I need to pay attention towards weakness of students and address them properly
37)  I should update as well as upgrade myself
38)  I should do checking the notebooks of students properly and timely
39)  I should think of my workplace and class as temple
40)  I should share my feeling with others genuinely , don’t need to hide it.
41)  I should reach my class on time
42)  I need to teach practical way
43)  I need to make my class as interactive as possible
44)  I need to be thoughtful in my approach
45)  I should not keep any assumption about others
46)  I need to speak less but act more
47)  I need to speak what is necessary and avoid unnecessary at work place
48)  I need to prepare the draft of lesson and know the language used in the class
49)  I should clean my environment properly and carefully
50)  I should maintain the observation diary everyday and complete it
51)  I need to give my 100% to school and students
52)  I should take initiative for extra assignment
53)  I need to stop murmuring about others
54)  I need to follow work ethics properly  and carefully
55)  I need to stop complaining about others and the school
56)  I should stop excuses and grumbling
57)  I should take responsibility of my duties
58)  I need to read new two books every month
59)  I need to ask myself about why I am doing the particular work in two or three days
60)  I should be good learner all the time

                                                          Apart from above code of conduct and ethics I need to know more from you all. I will be happy to welcome the suggestions and advice. Hereby I declare that I will try to follow them seriously and consciously. 


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