Feeling happy and motivated to work on Practical way to celebrate the days

                  Just now I received an email from Sharyn Collins,  the editor 'EFL MAGAZINE' , informed me that she would like to publish my article 'Classroom Dynamics ' as she like it very much. But she is going to change it in some part of it.So she requested me to allow her for that.Now i am feeling very happy of achieving this. I mentioned her email in next line

sharyn collins

Jun 29 (5 days ago)
to me
 Hello. I am sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I have been inundated with article submissions this month and it has taken me some time to get to yours again after an initial quick glance through. I like it very much and I would like to publish it but it needs quite a bit  of work. The introduction is a little vague and there are stylistic and grammatical  elements which I would like to work on. So with your permission I will start  editing it  and send you my version when it’s done. Please let me know your thoughts before I start.

                                        But here i don't need to stop and want to work on practical way to celebrate the days. There are many days to celebrate in practical way and connect with the real world. These are in following:
A) Gratitude day
B) Happy day
C) Helping day
D) Sharing day 
E) Grammar day
F) Presentation day  
G) Donation day
H) Appreciation day 
                                           These are days to be celebrated in practical approach and connect with the society as well as the people. So I have to go into details of these. It means how and what way to be celebrated. I am working on these. Once again i like to say that i need to focus on core of the education. Let start by tomorrow.


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