A day in the life of an accountant.

                                           A day in the life of an accountant.
“Shailendra, shailendra …..” a voice came from outside and Shailendra got up at the table, looking for the person and somewhat familiar voice. He saw none other than Mr. Dinesh who was working as a music teacher in Royal public school. At the same place Shailendra was also working as an accountant. By age and nature he was liked by all. He was the entire time ready to assist everybody. Therefore he got attention of everyone including the management. He replied to Dinesh sir,
 “Yes sir what can I do for you?”
Smiling forwarded by Dinesh sir and asked him where he had kept those students file that were selected for the state level competition. Pointed by him at the cupboard and took his seat, offered a chair.
Dinesh, without looking at him, started to search the file into the cupboard. Finally he had it after 15 minutes and drank a glass of water offered by the accountant.
Slowly he was going through it and offered thanks. He left the office and went directly at the principal’s office. Shailendra as a young accountant was very sharp minded and brilliant one. In some of his work as well as nature had won many of the school. Being a passionate he always took the responsibility on the shoulder. Sometime he kept a shy and simple attitude to everyone.
Most of the time, he came forward to help the staffs for bringing the materials from city and arranged the things without complaining. That way he was good to all, preferred by them. Many of the teachers kept commenting upon,
“Oh! Young brigade.” Some addressed, “messiah of the school.”  But he just smiled and never responded them.
As soon as the academic year came closing, the announcement of the audit had been put at the office by the school. It was being run by the well-known corporate sector. Every year the audit was carried and maintained its finances well. The date and day was finalized, coming near.
At a time the principal Gupta asked him, “Shailendra, is everything ready and finalized.”  He confidently replied, “Yes sir, everything is on the table and seem to be okay.”  The principal walked back the office with a relief that the accountant was going to handle it properly as he had done last year too.
The days were winter and the school timing was changed accordingly. But Shailendra always followed his old timing along with the house keeping staffs. He was very busy in order to complete the work for the audit and didn’t give any chance to the auditors.
As the date and day approached, at that time he kept himself busy in welcoming the auditors and arranging everything for them. These people were supposed to stay there for almost 4 days. So their lunch, dinner, and breakfast were preplanned by him. Even the principal and others put trust on him. They had seen him as a capable of such things. In the past too he proved his ability.
As the audit started at the school library and a heap of files were poured there. The chief auditor started noting down the figures after checking thoroughly. The first day passed and the second day was taken at earliest. On the other side of the school, the annual exam preparation was being fully carried. Most of the teachers didn’t have news of the audit going on. In the end of second day, the principal had a review from them and found the satisfactory progress. Everybody left with positive mind, waiting the following day to get back at the library.
Everything was fine, for the audit it was last day. One of the auditors found something false in the file and put rechecking from the start. Again he found something missing and lapses. He gave that file to other officer. After some time he too fixed it as the fault in final bill and declared that 50,000 expenses were defaulted. Everyone fully went through it including shailendra. He didn’t realize how that amount had come without bills and shown the serious mistake in annual expenses. Immediately the panel of the audit team sent for the principal to meet at separate room, it went for two hours. Shailendra was totally perplexed, not realizing that mistake. He had questions of how and when such blunder happened under his service. Though he rechecked all the files five times, but didn’t locate the mistake. He came to know that 50,000 was a disgrace to his character as the defaulter.
The meeting was called off and all came out, exposing the default of 50,000 before him. He was out of conscious while listening to them. One of them accused him of not maintaining the account properly and informed that the action to be taken in upcoming days as per the corporate house. Everybody left the school campus by that time, but he was put his head into his legs and engrossed in his thought for longer time.  Somebody broke his loneliness by calling, “sir, please leave the office. I am about to lock it.”
With heavy heart he stood and started walking. He didn’t get it till then. As he was out of the school, noticed by some teachers. They saw his disappointing face, gloomy, and his murmuring act. They reported to Dinesh sir in the evening. As soon as he got to know it, at once called him and understood the whole matter. At first he didn’t believe in such information, but Shailendra himself added that it was a true. He convinced Dinesh sir by explaining. He had checked the files more than five times. He put down the phone after revealing that the management was going to take action against him. He didn’t have any other way except accepting it.
Dinesh sir put down the phone and kept thinking for long time, didn’t eat much that night. He shared it with his colleagues. His mind was not allowing him the sound sleep that night. He changed the place, cushion, and tried to lie down the floor. Ultimately he was asked several questions by his mind why such things happened to good and honest people. Why the God had not helped to him. Somehow he spent the night and got up early. Had a bath and put on the clothes, he went to the Omakareshwar temple at 6 o clock. There he performed a special prayer and sat for half an hour in the meditative look.
He returned home after that. He finished his tea and breakfast quickly to leave for the school. On the way he met other teachers and intimated the matter to them. He reached the school and immediately started talking with Shailendra and the principal.  Later on he rushed toward the staff room. By that time the panel and the principal took a meeting by declaring that the accountant Mr. Shailendra had to pay the fine 50,000 and might face the jail. They were ready with legal action too. Slowly the news got fire and reached every corner of the campus like a flash of lighting.
Shailendra tried his best by explaining that he was not at all at the fault. He didn’t know how it had happened. At the staff room, Dinesh and all other teachers took a decision that they would help him by any way. So they started to think, but others raised the doubt over it. Some of them argued, “Why we need to help him?” why the company not takes such step?” others too showed the agreement. In spite of the argument Dinesh sir finally along with some exclaimed that they would collect money and pay it to the company. Further he added that at least he would be released from that disgrace. Again the most of them were not prepared for that.
The staff’s chaos reached at the principal’s office by the peon. He reported, “Sir, many teachers started to fight over Shailendra’s issue, they want to spare him.” The principal rushed at the spot and jumped into it. He heard some were in favour of helping and others were against. He was also puzzled over what to say. First time such incident had been there, so he didn’t say anything. Instead he reported it to high authority over the phone.
By the evening, the panel prepared the paper ready for action against the accountant. On the contrary Dinesh and his friends came forward, collecting the amount and were about to hand it over. Some other teachers kept grumbling and still opposed it. But Dinesh sir at last expressed his opinion, “see my dear colleagues today he faces such issue, tomorrow we can also face such things. And I know him, he is not like that. He is our innocent Shailendra. Even stay away from giving money if you are not ready , please ………….”
Along with others he left the staff room and ran at the principal’s office. They put the amount on his table like a thud and requested that he would do something to spare Shailendra and no action to be taken. By and by the principal began to take side of his accountant after seeing the unity and love in the staffs. He came out of the office, went to the panel of the auditors and informed that the amount to be paid to them. So they should not proceed for action, but one of them said surprisingly that as per the company’s rule they had to go for it or inform the authorities.
In between some teachers were with the accountant and consoled him. They confided him that nothing would happen. That day everyone was bound to unite with him. All of sudden, the company issued the notice and put a decision that the legal action had to be taken along with the fine.
Dinesh and others came forward before the office and started a protest to the notice. They pointed out that they were ready to pay the fine. So there should not be any other action if the amount was paid. However one of the auditors strictly exclaimed that the company would call the police the following day and hand over the matter to them. It was a final decision and everybody started walking back to home. The tension was mounting upon not only Shailendra but also Dinesh and his friends.
Nobody knew what would have happened the following day. Simultaneously Dinesh sir and others were in mood of doing something else for the accountant. Hence they had secret plan in order to save him. The next day the panel was about to inform the police and submit the evidences to them. By and large all turned up at the principal’s office. Then he called Shailendra and intimated him about the action to be taken by the police. On outside Dinesh sir and colleagues, who were supporting, came at the principal and put a humble plea to withdraw it and accept the fine which was collected by them. But he turned down them by saying that the company was in mood of taking action against him along with the fine. So there was no question of withdrawal.
Frustrated and dejected Dinesh sir was out of his cabin. He took his colleagues aside and decided to resign. Even they were to go behind the bar with the accountant. After a while, a group of the teachers under Dinesh sir’s leadership approached at the office and threw their resignations. It seemed to be out of control.
They were asked to be away from the matter but nobody listened. One of the teachers broke out, crying, “Yes, sir if he has done the fault in the account. We also part of it. So why not we go with him to jail.”
The principal and the management were into trouble of what to do and how to deal with these teachers. First time the president of the school got realization of their unity and caring for one another.
By that time, a team of the police appeared on the spot and had quick meeting with the school principal.  All eyes were upon the office, everybody thought that something would be going to happen at the school. All thronged around shailendra and kept him in the confident level. Some of them assured that nothing would take place. He also surprised over not only support of the teachers but also the amount collected by them. He had tears in his eyes and completely taken back by the situation.
Slowly one of the school representatives appeared from the back and explained that the action to be taken without any bias. He even added politely that nobody would come in the process of it. All of the staffs immediately spoke out, “Sir, we are here to be with our family member Mr. Shailendra , and ready to submit the resignation with going to the jail.” That representative stood for a while and said nothing. But he was seen pensive while going inside and left everybody in suspense. All started shouting that they wouldn’t get back from their firm decision.
The meeting in closed door continued for an hour. Nobody had a cup of tea and breakfast on that time. Usually they had it by that time. Afterward the peon turned up with information that all had to gather at the main hall. All started walking and reached there with hoping that something good would take place. As all came in, it looked like the bus stand and waiting for their bus to destination. The hall was full of pattering and nobody got what others were saying. Slowly and gradually the principal along with the management were on the podium and took the seat. He caught a mike and greeted everyone with a smile which he was trying to show that something would be going to happen first time. He explained the rule of the school and company. Further he told that he had not seen such unity at the school, but that day he observed it. Then he handed the mike to the president.
The president thanked all instead of greeting and began his speech. “Dear friends, today I feel not only proud, but happy to see that everybody is united into a strong family. Further I am compelled to change our rule by seeing you all. It is immensely good for not only family but also the society. I personally extend the thanks to those who came forward and took the leadership. That is indeed amazing. Proudly say that I am also with you all and gladly withdraw the action. Neither you nor the school take the fine, only the company will deduct some amount from the account’s salary every month. No other action is going to take, even the police are present. But they are amazed at your team work and unity. You are fighting this small battle as if you are sending the Simon commission back. Please keep it up such spirits in the future too! Thanks you all…………. And love you!
He took his chair and drank water. All clapped thunderously and were in joy, starting to congratulate one another. Some of them shouted the slogan, “Bharat Mata Ki Jay!” others too supported it. Not only the school but also the whole city was united. It seemed that they got the freedom and left the hall with wining the heart.
No one knew who was truly at the fault and did the default, but the gate keeper at the school expressed his heart by saying to Dinesh sir, “Dinesh ji, today the humanity won.” Dinesh sir just smiled at him and that was true fact.


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