
Showing posts from March, 2020


                          Alone………………. Alone we come on the earth, Alone leave it too. But alone we are staying at home now, The word ‘Alone’ becomes like a sign for all. Some take it forcefully, Some intentionally, And some easily. Everywhere, it is preached, advised and Imposed by. However, it doesn’t feel itself alone as surrounded by many! Who is alone? The word or we!

'I' Matters a lot !

We people are habituated of telling other’s story on social media. We take proud to tell that some celebrity or politician has donated that much amount. Further, we also mention that some celebrity or politician is missing. That type of post we keep on our account. Then we expect others to comment or criticise over it. Instead of what that celebrity or politician is doing, what ‘I’ am doing for the country. That matters a lot!                                    Remember what the American president John F Kennedy said once,   “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

Alone and silent at home.......!

   Alone and silent at home…………….!             Alone and silent at home,  Sitting at a corner and sometimes before an idiot box Around heaps of coronavirus news. Question of what and how to spend 21 days, They say its opportunity. But sneezing, coughing and normal virus keep me at bay, It loiters through the mind, pours out darkness and hopeless                     ahead. These seem to be a way to know self and others well, Long days teach everyone a lot about life. In end, coronavirus exists in instead of out!

The story of Eunuch

                                                          The story of Eunuch                   Yesterday I saw a group of women with lighting lamps under the Neem tree. Though the government declared the lockdown yet these women gathered there and offering prayer under that tree. I was shocked at that scene. Then I asked one of the women who was returning why they had gathered and lighted a lamp under the Neem tree.                      She narrated the story of Eunuch who was killed by someone at somewhere. And it was tradition that the women who had one son she should light a lamp near the Neem tree in the sake of praying that his curse would not fall upon them. As it is a story that the Eunuch is an incarnation of Lord Shiva. So the women had to silent his temper by lighting the lamp and praying to Lord Shiva. That blind devotion had been practised for ages.                                 On asking the lady whether she was stopped by anybody. She replied that she was halt

Journey to self-discovery

                                  Journey to self -discovery                          The onset of New Year 2020, I decided to start a new venture in the education field. It was about handwriting and spoken English course for school learners. So I approached most of my friends for either partnership or associating with me in it. I viewed that it could help me with manpower and finance. Further, I shared ideas with them on how we went ahead and what we got positive learning along with profits. I was very hopeful of someone to join hands with me.                     But nobody accepted my proposal and ideas. I became doubtful of my ideas as well as a venture. These friends had pushed me into a pool of deep thinking. Their rejection raised an eyebrow over my ideas and a startup. I didn’t have clear reasons for their disapproval. Further, I revised my planning and ideas. Then I introduced it again to them. Still, there was darkness on my venture as they didn’t heed at me.        

What is the use of education ?

                             Yesterday I was sent to 3 A class. I was late to reach there. So there was a lady teacher and perhaps she was the class teacher of that class. As soon as I reached there, she started speaking with me loudly. She raised the question at me why I had been late. I just listened to her quietly. Then she was about to leave, at that time the whole class begun to laugh. Because they thought that I was going to make them laugh and enjoy. The class teacher heard their shout and started scolding them when she returned the class. She was very serious. She warned them about their shout. They became silent and their faces fell.                                     She warned them not to shout. Otherwise, she would check their papers strictly and fail them in some subjects. Then there was total silence. Everybody became serious and dejected. Simultaneously I observed them. All the students were in deep thought after the teacher had gone.                            

Positive teaching of Coronavirus to the whole world

                    Positive teaching of Coronavirus to the whole world There is something positive about Coronavirus. Let’s see in the following lines 1)     Health is very important. 2)     Don’t keep our Co-Rona-Dhona Spirit but the fighting spirit in life. 3)     It makes us wash our hand with soap number of times in a day. 4)   It reminds us to follow a forgotten culture ‘Namaste’ to others instead of handshaking. 5)     It brings a concept of ‘ वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ’ to us. It means that the whole world is home as it spreads everywhere. It doesn’t limit itself in one nation. Today whole world starts thinking in one line to control it. 6)     It makes us go in an isolated room for some time and spend time with self. As we are very busy but it forces us for that. 7)     It makes us go for an isolated room but not isolated the person and his feelings. 8)     It makes us to understand the value of life. 9) Take care of our breathing and increase immunity level.  1

A Spark of God

                                            A Spark of God                               This story is about the way the lady principal handles the issue of the students. Every time she refers the spirituality to tackle it. That’s why everyone likes to keep her words as respectful as possible.         One day two girls were fighting with each other. They abused and insulted each other. While fighting, they used bad words. Their matter was reached at the principal’s office. They were immediately called in and asked to say sorry to each other. But they were not ready to follow her instructions. Then she listened to them attentively. She did it as if they were her children. Then asked them,                                         “Do you respect God?”                                           They replied, “Yes, we do it.”                                       Again, she questioned them, “Do you believe that every being has a spark of God?”                      Both agree

An Annual exam

                                              An Annual exam                           Nowadays we have an annual exam at our school. so every day we teachers get a duty of supervision. Today I got it and distributed answer sheet along with the question paper. At first, I instructed the students to read the question paper thoroughly. Further, I said to them that they could devote ten minutes to reading it.                                  As soon as they started writing it, asking for their subject teacher. It was 11th commerce students. So I immediately informed that teacher. Within ten minutes, he appeared there and solved the doubts. He went away. I was taking round. Again the same class asked for him solves their difficulties. I asked them why they were having difficulties and why they hadn’t asked him at first appearance when he came there. They said that they came to know about the difficulty while reading the question. It meant that they hadn’t read it thoroughly.          

The trained and untrained mind

                                  The trained and untrained mind                  The mind can play a great role in shaping career and life if it is trained well. But we never train it properly and correctly. Mistakenly it is called either positive or negative. Actually, these don’t exist but trained and untrained.               Every day we read about and come across the success and failure of people. Their success and failure refer to the trained and untrained mind.                Let’s see a story in this regard. There was a man who had an allergy to the flowers. So he always tried to avoid it. But whenever he came across it, at a time he used to face a problem of running nose, sneezing and his face turned red.            In spite of his precaution, one day he was invited at a function. It was held at the auditorium. He turned up there and had his seat in the front row near the stage. On seeing the flowers on the table, he became dismayed and his nose started running. Then

Happiness and pleasure

              Happiness and pleasure denote a similar meaning but each one differs. First is long-lived and the latter is short-lived. Both bring joy into one’s life and fulfil the needs.                   Pleasure comes after satisfying one’s need like eating a favourite food, buying valuables objects and luxurious items.  But happiness happens when one does something good work or creates new. At a time he feels good and it comes from within. So it is said that happiness relies on inner satisfaction and the pleasure of external objects.                      Sometimes the person finds happiness in doing interesting work. On the other hand, in pleasure, he collects luxurious objects and fulfils his desires. Then he feels pleased.                    That’s why we find people in two categories of life. One is looking for happiness and another is for pleasure. Even they differentiate in their thought, behaviour, and understanding.