Journey to self-discovery

                                  Journey to self -discovery          
              The onset of New Year 2020, I decided to start a new venture in the education field. It was about handwriting and spoken English course for school learners. So I approached most of my friends for either partnership or associating with me in it. I viewed that it could help me with manpower and finance. Further, I shared ideas with them on how we went ahead and what we got positive learning along with profits. I was very hopeful of someone to join hands with me.
                    But nobody accepted my proposal and ideas. I became doubtful of my ideas as well as a venture. These friends had pushed me into a pool of deep thinking. Their rejection raised an eyebrow over my ideas and a startup. I didn’t have clear reasons for their disapproval. Further, I revised my planning and ideas. Then I introduced it again to them. Still, there was darkness on my venture as they didn’t heed at me.
                         Slowly and gradually I was drawn into a negative aspect. I thought that it might be failed soon. I felt that they had sensed it. However, I kept myself positive on my new venture. Lots of workouts had been carried out in that direction. Then one day, I got clear reasons for their unacceptance. These were in following lines,
-        I was not ready to jump into a new venture.
-        I was fearful of failure.
-        I was not confident about future decisions.
-        I was unclear of the to-do list of future planning.
-        I hesitated on front lead for that.
-        I was not seen as good decision taker earlier.
-        I didn’t have self –belief of my ideas.
-        I imagined that there would be a miracle without my efforts.
-        I was afraid of surrounding slow down and its influence upon my venture.
-        I was not courageous earlier on such a venture.
-        I just dreamed but not moved ahead in it.
-        I didn’t show any such successful formula to others.
-        I became negative as soon as any problem struck upon me.
-        I was afraid of my won planning and mind kept thinking of collapsing it.
-        I was not good at convincing the people.
-        I was failure earlier in the same field.
-        I didn’t maintain my words to others before that.
-        In the past, I didn’t indicate a sense of responsibility.
                              As soon as these were jotted down, I was automatically convinced that they were right in rejecting or disapproving my venture. It was a self-discovery for me.


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