The trained and untrained mind

                                  The trained and untrained mind
                 The mind can play a great role in shaping career and life if it is trained well. But we never train it properly and correctly. Mistakenly it is called either positive or negative. Actually, these don’t exist but trained and untrained.
              Every day we read about and come across the success and failure of people. Their success and failure refer to the trained and untrained mind.
               Let’s see a story in this regard. There was a man who had an allergy to the flowers. So he always tried to avoid it. But whenever he came across it, at a time he used to face a problem of running nose, sneezing and his face turned red.
           In spite of his precaution, one day he was invited at a function. It was held at the auditorium. He turned up there and had his seat in the front row near the stage. On seeing the flowers on the table, he became dismayed and his nose started running. Then he had a series of sneezing and face turned red. He felt uncomfortable.
             As soon as the function was over, he got up and went near the stage. He became surprised when he had found those flowers plastic made. Automatically he came to a normal situation,
          Later on, he realised that his mind had been playing a great role in his life and career since his childhood.
                         So there are two categories of mind. These are trained and untrained. We need to train it properly. Then it can bring about a change in lives. Otherwise, we are habituated to stick to only positive and negative mind. Once train it, it can prosper our lives at great extent. 


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