The story of Eunuch

                                                  The story of Eunuch
                 Yesterday I saw a group of women with lighting lamps under the Neem tree. Though the government declared the lockdown yet these women gathered there and offering prayer under that tree. I was shocked at that scene. Then I asked one of the women who was returning why they had gathered and lighted a lamp under the Neem tree. 
                   She narrated the story of Eunuch who was killed by someone at somewhere. And it was tradition that the women who had one son she should light a lamp near the Neem tree in the sake of praying that his curse would not fall upon them. As it is a story that the Eunuch is an incarnation of Lord Shiva. So the women had to silent his temper by lighting the lamp and praying to Lord Shiva. That blind devotion had been practised for ages.
                                On asking the lady whether she was stopped by anybody. She replied that she was halted by others but she was firm on going there and lighting the lamp under the Neem tree. I was surprised that there was not any impact of lockdown and Coronavirus upon these women. On the other hand, they started calling the women of the nearby area and informed that the Eunuch was killed. So they had to light a lamp under the Neem tree and offer a prayer. Slowly other women began thronging there. 
                       After listening to that lady, I was led into deep thinking that the blind faith still worked instead of education in the technology age.


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