Positive teaching of Coronavirus to the whole world

                   Positive teaching of Coronavirus to the whole world
There is something positive about Coronavirus. Let’s see in the following lines
1)    Health is very important.
2)    Don’t keep our Co-Rona-Dhona Spirit but the fighting spirit in life.
3)    It makes us wash our hand with soap number of times in a day.
4) It reminds us to follow a forgotten culture ‘Namaste’ to others instead of handshaking.
5)   It brings a concept of ‘वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्’ to us. It means that the whole world is home as it spreads everywhere. It doesn’t limit itself in one nation. Today whole world starts thinking in one line to control it.
6)   It makes us go in an isolated room for some time and spend time with self. As we are very busy but it forces us for that.
7)    It makes us go for an isolated room but not isolated the person and his feelings.
8)    It makes us to understand the value of life.
9) Take care of our breathing and increase immunity level. 
10) Use a handkerchief whenever we sneeze.  


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