What is the use of education ?

                             Yesterday I was sent to 3 A class. I was late to reach there. So there was a lady teacher and perhaps she was the class teacher of that class. As soon as I reached there, she started speaking with me loudly. She raised the question at me why I had been late. I just listened to her quietly. Then she was about to leave, at that time the whole class begun to laugh. Because they thought that I was going to make them laugh and enjoy. The class teacher heard their shout and started scolding them when she returned the class. She was very serious. She warned them about their shout. They became silent and their faces fell.
                                    She warned them not to shout. Otherwise, she would check their papers strictly and fail them in some subjects. Then there was total silence. Everybody became serious and dejected. Simultaneously I observed them. All the students were in deep thought after the teacher had gone.
                             Within a moment, the atmosphere was changed. At a time I had three questions to me
What is supposed to offer small children?
What do we teachers need to give them?
What do they receive from the teachers?
                             Instead of emotion, love, care, sympathy, smile fun, happiness and laugh we indirectly offer scold, doubt, hate, hesitation, resistance, cry, rejection and much more. If the objective of education is to free the person from ill-feeling. But we are binding them in ill-feeling and negative thought. So what is the use of education if they became like that. 


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