A Spark of God

                                            A Spark of God
                              This story is about the way the lady principal handles the issue of the students. Every time she refers the spirituality to tackle it. That’s why everyone likes to keep her words as respectful as possible.
        One day two girls were fighting with each other. They abused and insulted each other. While fighting, they used bad words. Their matter was reached at the principal’s office. They were immediately called in and asked to say sorry to each other. But they were not ready to follow her instructions. Then she listened to them attentively. She did it as if they were her children. Then asked them,
                                        “Do you respect God?”
                                          They replied, “Yes, we do it.”
                                     Again, she questioned them, “Do you believe that every being has a spark of God?”
                     Both agreed to her question. She further put a remark by asking, “Why are you fighting with each other if you have a trace of The Goddess? Why don’t you both respect each other?”
                   She enabled them to think for a while. They looked down while receiving her words. They felt ashamed and regretted. There was a total silent between them. Even she didn’t say anything more.
                      Consequently, they came forward and touched her feet. They said sorry not to each other but also her. They had tears in their eyes. They went away but became a good friend forever.
                                         They remembered her words, “Every being has a spark of the God.”


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