Satirical Conversation....!

                    Satirical conversation between the contractor and his worker.
I recently heard the conversation between the building contractor and a mason. The contractor got to work of building and called his worker who was the mason. It was very interesting conversation and led me into the talent of the contractor and his sharp observation. Their whole talking criticized the function of the government. At last the contractor succeeded in convincing his worker. Even this showed that the people are smart to get the intention of the government. It was indeed satire.
Contractor: you can start the work from tomorrow. Okay……
Mason: but Bhai we have to do first the planning and designing of this building. So how can I start the work without it?
Contractor: ohhh……. My brother, we have to start breaking and digging this place. This way we can show the owner that we have begun some work. Got my point?
Mason:  but it is very difficult without the designing and architectural work. How?
Contractor:  we will do it later on. Because we have taken the advance from him in order to show some work. So that it will convince him about his work to be going on. Like our present government does in sake of convincing the Indian people by adverting and hoarding on the roads before starting any work. Clear…….!   
Mason: okay……….. It means that we will start designing and architectural planning after breaking this building and digging the place. So the work will be automatically stopped for that purpose. Don’t know when it will start it again!
Contractor: yeah……. You know that the Indian government does every time.
Mason: ohhhhhhhhh……..! It means “तोड़ो और खोदो काम -Todo or khodo kaam (break and dig work)”


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