
Showing posts from February, 2020

My day starts with.......................

My day starts with…………….                   Every day I face a problem of writing on a new topic. As soon as I rise from the bed, have numbers of questions. At first, my mind doesn’t work and creates doubtful whether it is completed. After that, I somehow open my notepad and look for inspiration to start it. But it adds a series of questions, What is the topic? Why is it written? How is it completed? How is it made readable?      Simultaneously, a flow of thoughts run through my mind. It is unstoppable and uncontrollable. That makes me stuck in between reason and mission. Sometimes, other factors take my attention and easily diverge readiness.          At some extent, it is observed from my point of view that there is a constant fight between me and my mind. Both of them are on the mission to prove their stand.                Then I feel unclear about the topic. The mind slowly looks at me and beckons that it is better to leave the writing task. It further raises the

An exam preparation

It was my first experience of exam preparation when I was pursuing post-graduation in English subject. So I used to sit at the college library all the time for reading. At a time, I only read the syllabus books and guides. But one of my college friends turned up there one day before the final exam. On seeing him with only a notebook pad, I amazed. I went near and asked him why he had not brought the textbooks as well as guides for reading. He replied that he had brought a notepad for writing. I thought that he was doing wrong preparation. Instead of reading the syllabus, he was there for writing practice. I felt he would face difficulties at the time of the exam. During one month, I observed him fill up the notepads by writing. And I was doing the reading task carefully. After the exam, I thought that I would score good percentage. But I got less than the friend who used to practice writing at the library. He secured distinction and proved that he was right in his approach to exam

On enthusiasm

               Enthusiasm is the biggest asset in life. The person has to maintain it properly and diligently. If he has everything, not it. Then everything will fall. Therefore that is important to have it in life. It is a birthright to get it.                                   It moves the person on a difficult path and brings him to the destination. It is a fire within him which always burns in the heart and mind. It uplifts the spirit and soul of the person. He is always pushed out by it and made to look for positive in each object.                               Further. It prepares the person visionary and missionary. It turns impossible into possibility. That makes a difference being the enthusiast.                    But lacking it in life makes the man lazy, lethargy, and passive towards the small goals. He slowly becomes desolate, depressed, and hopeless.                     That’s why it is an essential ingredient part of a successful life.

Acceptance the role

                                      Acceptance the role Yesterday I was in 9th class. There I was about to take their speech activity as an oral. So I just asked them to start speaking but they were not ready. Despite they were assigned it in advance. Again I said to them that they could select any topic of their choice and easy. Still, they faced a problem of speaking before the class.                              Out of furious, I started raising questions. I said that they had been studying in English medium for the last ten years. Still, they could not speak on a simple topic. Further, I asked them what they had learnt and how they had learnt English. At last, they pleaded me to give the time for preparing it. I nodded positively and informed that I would see them after lunch.                         At 1.30, again I asked them to deliver the speech after turning up at the class. However, they didn’t perform well. Some of them recalled it while delivering the speech. At t

The principal’s magic activity

                                                                                      The principal’s magic activity          Once upon a time, there was a school was run by the trust. It was under the care of the private company. So it was always taken care and maintained well by its trustees. Sometimes, there were lots of complaints from parents. They raised the question over the teachers’ teaching, behaviour, integrity, and results. So the principals constantly left without any notices. Every time they were heaped with lots of issues. So they felt tired because of that. Then they used to run and join some other place.                           The management and the teachers were worried. They always threw a question to one another,                                 “What will happen to the future of the children and school?”                           But nobody was able to sort it out. They put the blame either on the students or their parents. In that way, it was going

The saints' appreciation

  The saints’ appreciation                                        On Saturday, my friend dropped me at the junction where I usually used to take a bus. I turned towards the tea stall after thanking him. On seeing the saints, they asked me if I offered a cup of tea to them. Immediately I invited them at a near tea stall and ordered the tea maker to give them the tea. One of the saints started appreciation on me and said that I had done good work. As soon as the tea was offered to them, again one of them said that I had a very bright future. He continued saying that I would have shined in the world and my name would have got hit in life. Suddenly, he placed the Rudraksh on my hand and told that I should keep it with me.                                   By that time, other saints began walking after thanking and blessing me. But that saint put a question before me if I offered some clothes or money to them because they were going to Junagadh for some ritual work. He said that it w

Pleasure and sorrow!

                                                                 Pleasure and sorrow are a part and parcel of life. These do not exist but we people keep that perception. Automatically, we refer to them as happiness or sadness. In pleasure, we should not overreact at anyone or anything. We need to be down to earth during this period. We have to keep listening to others, social service, and helping act.                                  When sorrow comes in life, we should not react to anyone or anything negatively. During this time, we need to maintain patience, silence, and non-violence attitude. Further, we need to fix in mind that it will pass on and the day of blissful is not far away. It can help us to change our perception towards people and life.                                       The enlightened leaders and spiritual sages advise the same as given in the first paragraph. They don’t see these as happiness or sadness but an integral part of life. We can draw inspiration

Word 'sorry' can do a miracle!

                         Word ‘sorry’ can do a miracle!                     On Wednesday of this week, I showed the answer sheet to 7th B. One of the students showed me his answer sheet and asked me whether it was correct in one section of the questions. At a time I told him that it was wrong. Therefore I had given no marks.                                            Simultaneously, others were going through their answer sheets. Again the same student approached and showed the same question which he corrected it by a ball pen. Then he demanded it to be given the mark. So I lost my temper and slapped him tightly. It was quickly happened due to a fit of anger. Further, I didn’t see his point whether it was corrected by him or somebody. I shouted at him madly and wildly.                                I thought that it should not be accepted at all but I did it. So I felt regretting and bad later on. I asked myself whether I would have handled it carefully if I paid attention to

Humour incidents!

1)    In the class of 6th, the following humour took place. Teacher: Hello student, how old are you? Student: Sir, I am not old but young. Don’t tell it. Teacher: Okay! What is your age? Student: its 9 years. Teacher: Thank you. Student: Why thank me, sir? Did you get anything out of it? Teacher: Not! But……………. Student: I heard that the people offer thanks to others when they get something valuable. Teacher: What? Sit downnnnnnn……….. Student: ahhh……………. 2)    Another conversation took place between the teacher and the principal. When they both were talking on the mobile, it also indicated the humour. Principal: Hello sir, good morning! Teacher: Hello sir good morning! How are you, sir? Principal:  Fine sir and hope you are also fine. I am calling you because my management wants to see you. Teacher: Oh…….! Okay! As I am outside now, so can I send my pics on your Whatsapp number? They can see it. Principal: No sir! They want to meet you personally. Teacher: Oh! That is

The web of the thinking.

                        The web of the thinking                         The web of thinking is scattered everywhere. It is like a virus and attacking people’s mind. We never realise its impacts on our lives unless we get something turn and twist. Let’s see what we do in term of thinking. -         We firstly keep thinking about self. -         We always think of others and their reactions. -         We also think about what others think about us and reactions. -         The people also think about what we think about them, -         We think about what others think of some other people. -         We also think of what God thinks about all. -         We hardly think about what thinking impacts upon life.                                   This way, it keeps us engage in its nuisance activity. Then it brings unnecessary and unavoidable results before us.  Sometimes it becomes dangerous for whole life and we become victimized of it. It never stops in life. But we cont

Three close friends and their different success stories!

Three close friends and their different success stories!                       There were three friends lived in a town. They were studying in the same class and close friends. But they were different in their studies and hobbies. Ajay was much focused on his studies and always got the first rank in the class. He was very clever in studies. He never wasted his time in any other works. So he was very busy in preparation for the studies. Over time, he secured admission in an engineering college and became a good engineer. Later, he got the government job as the engineer. Then he started to live his life happily with the family.                        The second friend was Sanjay. He was not only focused on his studies but also active in sports. He always used to take part in the sport as well as other competitions. Somehow he used to pass with a lower grade. He didn’t get admission at reputed college but devoted his time in pursuing the state commission exams. After some years of stru

The parents' exam myth.

The parents are seen doing the following things before the exam and during it. They do it to make the child do well in the exam. It is called the parents’ myth about the exam. 1)     They take the child at the temple and take the blessing from the priest. 2)     They tell the child to take the blessing of the family members and the neighbours. 3)     Mother especially feeds the mixture of curd and sugar to the child. 4)     They become soft with the child. 5)     They speak in such a manner that the child won’t take tension. 6)     They take a seat at the school ground while the child writes the exam and they read spiritual books such as Hanuman Chalisa etc. 7)     During this time, they meet either the spiritual guru or the astrologer for getting to know about the child’s star. 8)     They keep ritual ceremony before the exam such as Puja or Hawan etc. 9)     They try to smile as much as possible before the child and show that they are very positive about him. 1

The Book fair and tense factor.

                              On the last day of Surat book fair, I and my friend ran at the last hour. It was crowded. As soon as entered, we listened to the announcer. It said that the visitors needed to be careful of the thieves. Further, it said that somebody’s apple mobile and other’s wallet were stolen. We became cautious about the mobile and wallet. We didn’t enjoy while moving in the fair. We just looked at the stall hurriedly and kept moving.                         After a while, we finished it and were about to go out. We saw a couple with their both children at the entrance gate that the husband was pointing out his family members something. He said that everybody would at least buy 5 books. It would suffice their yearly reading. Everybody would read his books first, then others. That way, they would enjoy and update along with the knowledge.                               On seeing them, we both started regretting that we had missed the joy of the book fair and readi

The child is the father of the man.

                    One and half year child, in my society, calls every man ‘Papa’. Whenever his mother takes him either at the street or market, he addresses the man as ‘Papa’ whom he comes across. So everybody is amazed at this. Not only the people but also the family is surprised at it.                                But I am not surprised at that point. I said to my family that he follows what is told or taught at home. He does what he listened. He is not doing any other thing. At home, his mother and grandparents ask him to call his father as Papa. He addresses the father as papa when his father leaves for a job and returns home.   So that makes him a bit confident in his practice. At a time, he sees a similar characteristic in other men. So he easily calls them as ‘Papa.’ He doesn’t know the meaning of it but he follows it mechanically.                               So we should not be surprised at this. Similarly, we are also like that child. For we also keep following wh

The Khaman wala

                                   The Khaman wala                           This is a story of the owner of Sabras Khaman, Chikhali. He, some years ago, was working in the diamond industry and faced lots of financial problem at home. At the same time, the industry was also going through the recession period. So he left the job and started his own business at Chikhali. Every day he used to buy 2 kg Khaman at Navasari and sell at Chikhali. Initially, He didn’t do well in the business but continued to do it for six months. The family and the relatives were worried about his business. For the six months, he didn’t earn but lost the family money. However, he didn’t give up. He had his self-belief that he would succeed at it. Slowly and gradually he expanded his business and set up around 13 Lorries there. Then he hired the people for handling these Lorries. Along with it, he focused upon other eatable items.                                   At that time, every day he started distri

A Manthara attitude!

                                       A Manthara attitude!              Last day of the past month, there was a meeting for the teachers called by the principal and the school trustees. It was called the monthly meeting.             So, there was lots of discussion and pre-planning. Over there, every teacher was asked to give their introduction to the trustees. One by one the teacher did the self-introduction.                         But I did it incorrectly. It was brought to my notice after the meeting. However, I didn’t acknowledge others when they discussed and didn’t accept it despite knowing it as an error.                      After that meeting, there was again meeting with the principal and she raised it before the teachers. She was expecting that I would have come before all and accept it boldly. But I tried hiding it to myself. Though I knew it the error yet I was not ready to admit it.                              As soon as it was come to end, again the teach

The new Principal's introduction!

                       Recently, there was a meeting between the teachers and a newly appointed principal. It happened at the village school. Over there, the new principal was appointed and was on a school visit in advance. So, the management arranged a small meeting with the teachers and other staffs. They placed a notice on the board and informed all.                 Slowly and gradually, it spread like a flash of light. All became eager to know who was, from where he was, and what the name was. All gathered at the assembly hall.                  Then one of the teachers began the meeting with a small prayer. After the prayer, he requested all to introduce themselves. It was done systemically and properly. As soon as they finished, the newly appointed principal was requested to introduce himself. At that time, all kept their eyes upon him and became attentive.                                 He came forward and greeted everyone. He showed a broad smile to all while speaking.

Writing every day requires:

Writing every day requires: 1)     Daily assignment and anyhow complete it on time. 2)     Self-motivation is a must. 3)     Time table and strictly follow it. 4)     Share it with all and ask for their feedback. 5)     Take the feedback as complimentary and try to learn from it. 6)     Keep updated and upgrade in a specific area. 7)     Keep a clear thought and vision. 8)     Reflect upon what has been written. 9)     Read the novel, idioms, and proverbs. 10) Keep challenging task. 11) Don’t miss an opportunity to participate in the writing competition at the state and national level. 12) Keep a small diary and jot down the ideas as soon as it comes to the mind. 13) Don’t take a break. 14) Keep enjoying, learning, and challenging. 15) Keep the writing work and topic to be ready in advance.   16) Learn from other writers who write regularly.