
Showing posts from March, 2021

Turn the passages into Indirect speech

  Turn the passages into indirect speech 1)  “Sit up,” he ordered, “and hold out your hands. You must be taught once and for all not to touch what does not belong to you” “But it was for your b-b-birthday.” Ans: he ordered him to sit up and hold out his hands. He must be taught once and for all not to touch what not belong to him. He said to him that it had been his birthday.  2) "What kind of deal did you make?" asked Kavita. "We haven't got a deal." Keyur admitted, "The distributor copyrighted our serial." "It's about a Rabbit and this time we'll copyright it." Keyur added. Oh ! How adventurous you are!" Kavita said. Ans:- Kavita asked Keyur what kind of deal he had made. Keyur replied that they hadn't got a deal and admitted that the distributor had copyrighted their serial. He added that it was about a Rabbit and added that that time they would copyright it. Kavita exclaimed admiringly that he was very adventu

Fully Technology

  Fully Technology Life is fully technology Delete, copy and paste Enter and refresh What a life!   No feeling at all No regret and patience Needed Wow! Life is such good……!   No love or hate forwarded Just delete or copy or paste Tensionless and burden less Life is…...!   Everything is stored in And recycle bin Oh! no worry or excuse What a life we have.  By Haridas Patil      

Nature has two ways

 Nature has two ways                        A boy with naked feet was selling the flowers on the footpath at noon. The people were asking for the price and doing bargaining. On seeing his bare feet, a gentleman became sad and ran to the footwear store. He bought a pair of shoes for the boy. Then he asked the boy to wear shoes. The boy wore it immediately and became happy. He caught the man’s hand and said that he was God for him. But the man in fear responded that he wasn’t God. After that, the boy said to him, “You may be a friend of Him.” Further, he told him that he had requested to God for shoes the previous night as he wasn’t comfortable in the naked feet in hot temperature. The man left smilingly and happily with tears in his eyes.   He came to know that it was not very hard to become God’s friend.   Nature has made two ways- 1)     Give it         Or 2)     Leave it.                        Taking it with self isn’t any arrangement.    (Translated it from Hind

Language function

  - Study the following sentences in order to know language function. 1. Kiran was so clever that she never missed her first rank. (Showing result) 2. Kishan speaks as if he were a great orator. (Making supposition) 3. If I had got a superfast train, I would have reached two hours earlier. (Expressing condition in past) 4. I don't like fast food, I would rather take a desi meal. (Expressing alternative choice) 5. Though he ran fast, he missed the bus. (Expressing contrast) 6. The clerk behaves as if he were a manager. (Making supposition) 7. Mr Panchal is such a helpful person that he is ever ready to help others. (Showing result) 8. If she had invited me, I would surely have attended the party. (Expressing condition in past) 9. We went to the market with a view to buying a TV. (Showing purpose) 10. The show was cancelled because no audience turned up. (Expressing reason) 11. Virat Kohli is one of the most successful captions. (Showing comparison) 12. Wh


  Self-talk Nowadays, I feel pressured because of my family problem and members. Even I don’t focus on my main work and duties. However, I keep doing the work that seems to be insignificant and a burden.   Sometimes, I think about why I live this life where I don’t find true love and affection. On the other hand, I take tension of every month of house expense and monthly collections. For that, every time, I carry stress and unnecessary negative feeling. So I am not happy and satisfied. But I think in-depth that it is my prime duty to fulfil and live up to the expectation. Further, I do have a different perception of my sisters, brother and parents. That’s why they appear so distinct to me that I don’t feel comfortable with them. Dear readers, I like to express my thoughts as good as possible with you. For, you all can get me and keep attachment to me. Still, I need to find a way through this life torturing aspect. At last, I envision that God is with me all the time. I know tha

Covid-19 or Coronavirus

 Essay on  Covid-19 or Corona  The name, Covid-19 is made up of three different words. 'Co" stands for Corona; 'Vi' for  virus, 'D' for disease and '19' for 2019. It was first identified in Wuhan, China in November 2019 and then it spread all over the world. Symptoms : One of the common symptoms of this disease is common cold. It spreads with the droplets of an infected person through coughing or sneezing and through touching surfaces with the infected hands. The Covid-19 virus may survive on some surfaces for several hours. The person may suffer from high fever, cough, and  breathing problems. These are some common symptoms.  Precautions : Some precautions should be taken to avoid infections. * We should wash hands frequently using soap and water. * We should cover our mouth and nose with masks or other clothes. * We should keep social distance from other people. * We should get ourselves tested for Corona in the hospital. Vaccine : The COVID vaccine

Common Grammatical mistake

  Cᴏᴍᴍᴏɴ grammatical mistake: 1. Using "one and a half", instead of "half past one", etc. ❌ Don't say: Lessons begin at eight and a half. ✅ Say: Lessons begin at half past eight. 2. Using "as usually" instead of "as usual". ❌ Don't say: As usually, he left his pen at home. ✅ Say: As usual, he left his pen at home. 3. Using "according to my opinion" instead of "in my opinion". ❌ Don't say: According to my opinion, she's right. ✅ Say: In my opinion, she's right. 4. Using "at the end" instead of "in the end". ❌ Don't say: At the end they reached the city. ✅ Say: In the end they reached the city. 5. Using "under the rain" instead of "in the rain". ❌ Don't say: They played football under the rain. ✅ Say: They played football in the rain. 6. Using "the reason is because" instead of "the reason is that". ❌ Don'

My views on career for today's students

  My views on career for today’s students  1.    You should develop your thinking skill as soon as possible. It is required not only at your government job but also in a family business. It can help you to grow as a successful businessman or employee. 2. You should need to sharpen your ideas box so that you can apply them to your career or business. Every field needs to have new and progressive ideas for either government or the private sector. 3.    You should enhance your communication perfectly and clearly. It can assist you to bring the result into your field. At least you can express your thoughts if you have command of it. It is an integral part of your career and business.  4.    You should develop a positive attitude for your career. It can help you to grow in your field, also impress others around you. Your job and business depend upon your tendency. That’s why you should get it developed.  5.    You have to keep the habit of writing every day. It helps you in various