Turn the passages into Indirect speech

 Turn the passages into indirect speech

1) “Sit up,” he ordered, “and hold out your hands. You must be taught once and for all not to touch what does not belong to you”

“But it was for your b-b-birthday.”

Ans: he ordered him to sit up and hold out his hands. He must be taught once and for all not to touch what not belong to him. He said to him that it had been his birthday. 

2) "What kind of deal did you make?" asked Kavita.

"We haven't got a deal." Keyur admitted, "The distributor copyrighted our serial." "It's about a Rabbit and this time we'll copyright it." Keyur added.

Oh ! How adventurous you are!" Kavita said.

Ans:- Kavita asked Keyur what kind of deal he had made. Keyur replied that they hadn't got a deal and admitted that the distributor had copyrighted their serial. He added that it was about a Rabbit and added that that time they would copyright it. Kavita exclaimed admiringly that he was very adventurous.

3) Customer: Oops ... I have an error message already. What should I do?

C.S.R. : What does the message say?

Customer: It says "Error 412-PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNAL COMPONENTS." What does that mean?

Ans:- The customer exclaimed to the C.S.R. sadly that he had an error message already. Then she asked for his suggestion what she should do. The C.S.R. asked her what the message said. The customer replied that it said that " Error 412-PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNAL COMPONENTS." Then she asked him what that meant.

 4) "What a nice dress it is! Did you buy it last week, Amita ?" said Gayatri.

"Yes, dear." Amita replied.

"How much did it cost you?"

"Only seven thousand rupees."

Ans. Gayatri exclaimed with admiration to Amita that it was a very nice dress. Then she asked her if she had bought it the previous week. Amita replied affectionately that she had bought it the previous week. Gayatri asked her further how much it had cost her. Amita replied that it had cost her only seven thousand rupees.



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