Figure of speech-2


Figure of speech-2

1)   Pun :

Pun means plural +one is called as Pun. When the word, in the sentence, has two meanings.

Ex- The happiness of life depends on liver.

 Liver – 1) part of body –stomach

               One who lives.

2)   Tautology:

Two words have one meaning is called as Tautology

Ex- Sing of the filth and the dirt

3)   Litotes :

In this figure of speech, negative sentence gives positive meaning is called as Litotes.

Ex- I am not an ordinary man. (Means- extra ordinary man)

       I am no novice in teaching. (Means very much experienced in teaching)

4)   Irony:

In this figure of speech, positive sentence gives negative meaning.

Ex- She is very clever. (Means cunning)

       These politician are all honourable men. (Means –having no respect)

5)   Epigram:

Epi- means opposite

Gram- means view or statement

When opposite views are presented to create surprise, is called as Epigram

Ex- Child is the father of man.

Art lies in concealing art.

6)   Paradox:

Para- means same sentence

Dox – means contradicts

When a sentence contradicts (to say that something is wrong or not true; to say the opposite of something) its own idea is called Paradox.

Ex- A teacher must be cruel to be kind.

       The enjoyment of a tour is the returning time at home.

7)   Onomatopoeia:

When words suggest the sense of sound, is called Onomatopoeia.

Ex- Zoom zoom aero plane flies.

        Tidy hinched and Tidy clinched.

8)   Inversion:

In – means not verse, verse means statement. When a sentence is not written in correct order is called Inversion

Ex- Never friend makes he.

9)   Hyperbole:

Hyper- means over, bole- means say or state

When a statement is used to exaggerate is called Hyperbole.

Ex- The tea is icy cold.

She wept an ocean of tears.

10)                  Metonymy:

Meto – means substitution , nymy- means name

It is a substitution of the name

Ex- she must address the chair.

    Chair means chairman

He is addicted to bottle

Bottle means wine.  

Presented by

Haridas Patil



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