On Writing

                           Writing every day is not a cup of tea. It engages with lots of imagination, thought process, ideas-searching, critical analysis, visualization and much more- mental focus. That’s why we people try to avoid it and go for an easier one. It extracts a person’s education and mental abilities. Every day, I face early morning what should be written. Sometimes I will feel uncomfortable if I don’t find or write anything related.

                        Apart from this, one factor that is all the time on high, that is creativity. The person requires to be creative in daily routine and try to accomplish. He should not see what written or taken as an assignment. But he needs to continue. Further, he has to maintain it interestingly. So others can go for reading his written work. 

                   Today, the Number of time I deleted something written. It showed the mentality of my mind. Further, It pointed out the status of the mind if it was stable or not. At last, I felt fatigued and haggard, leaving it while thinking and imagining.

Before finishing it, I like to shoot a question

1)   What is missing nowadays in my life?

2)   What to be done instead of avoiding or complaining?

3)   Isn’t it possible for to me bouncing back?

4)   Should the present situation become a torchbearer for me?


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