At the court!


At the court!

Once a man was waiting for God’s help at a time of difficulty. But he didn’t receive it and became angry with Him. After many years, the messenger dropped in at his house for taking him to the Lord.

As soon as he reached the Lord’s court, he started asking several questions to him about why he hadn’t helped him and what had made him neglect his difficulty. Because the man was waiting for his help, but he didn’t get it.

The Lord smiled at him and said,

“My child, no doubt I could have helped you. But you didn’t take the initiative. So I was helpless.

Maybe you don’t know that my court’s rule is that God helps them who help first themselves.”

The man got the realization that he had wasted his time in waiting for God. On the contrary, God was waiting for the man’s initiative.

Both of them looked at each other and understood the point.

“Never wait for an opportunity but create it or never depend on others for your life or become self-sufficient.”

By Haridas Patil

(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)


  1. Nice story with Great Moral that we don't have to wait for God's initialisation we have to do it by own first. thanks for such Great Moral Once again

  2. Fantastic message from the blog. Welldone


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