9th Day Diary

 9th Day Diary

Date:- 24.01.2022                       Day:- Monday

The day was as cool as possible. It was cooler than the previous day. I began my schedule with writing and academic planning. At school, I faced a problem of slang language used by one of the students of the class during the National pledge. At that time, the principal and other teachers turned up and tried to settle down the matter. We convinced the class about good habits and their impact on the future. I became furious and lost my temper. Later on, I forgot it and paid attention to the next plan.

Then I started my session with a speaking test and noted down their progress. I continued to do it until the last period. On the day, we had republic day practice and guided the students. I had tuition after school and jotted down some ideas.

The evening brought some cheers into my life. One of my students studied under my guidance 15 years back. I got in contact through social media and called him. Then he shared his career and informed me that he had become an associate partner of a famous school in Gujarat. Further, he pleaded with me to join his team for IELTS Exam and teach his students about IELTS Coaching. After talking with him, I felt very proud and happy over his career progress.

I came late to home and had my dinner. Even I lied on the bed but was not able to sleep because of some past thoughts lingering in my mind.


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