The report of the sixth session


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On Tuesday, I had a problem-solving task in the class at T. N. PATEL PTC College. So, I began discussing with the students what problems they had. Many of them shared nothing with me. That's why I decided to share a story with them named Crack Mind from Japanese Literature. Then  I interacted with them and paved them to some of the examples.  Further, I distributed a list of the problems to them and asked them to prepare a list of solutions.

At first, they were indeed into the thought process. Slowly and gradually, they came to share their problem and solutions. On observing and seeing them, I concluded that they got realization the importance of thinking based method for not only them but also their children.

In the end, they ended with positive affirmation and had their recess. I thought hopeful that they would have enjoyed the session.

By Haridas Patil (Blogger, Educator and Trainer)


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